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Spam Cost Calculator

The cost of spam clogging enterprise E-mail systems continues to grow. We all know time is money, and our Spam Cost Calculator can give you an idea of how much spam costs for your entire company. According to Ferris Research, spam was expected to cost American corporations about $168 per employeer in 2004.

Fill in the fields below to estimate how much spam is costing you. The initial values are provided as a guide based on our experience.

Basic Information
Number of employees who have email:
Average annual salary per employee:
Average number of total emails per day per employee:
Percentage of emails which are spam:
Average number of seconds it takes an employee to open, glance at, then delete each SPAM email (wasted time):
What SPAM Costs You
  Enterprise cost of spam Cost of spam per employee
Yearly Wasted Time:
Daily Lost Salary:
Monthly Lost Salary:
Monthly Fee:  
Net Monthly Savings:  
How soon will a PC-Tronix spam filter pay for itself?
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